News from the Front #88:
Ocean Tracking Data Suggest No Harm to Fish Populations from Snake
Dams and Large Benefits to Smolt Transportation
On January 11, 2007, Dr. David Welch, a Canadian researcher
working under contract to BPA, released
the results of tracking several hundred hatchery juvenile spring chinook
released above and below the four Snake River Dams.
One batch of fish was released 76
km up the Yakima River using stock from the Cle Elum Supplementation and
Research Facility. Another group was released into a tributary of the
Snake River
(near Kooskia National Fish Hatchery) using stock from Dworshak National Fish
Hatchery. Other groups consisted of
controls and a transport group trucked to Lower Granite Dam and then barged with
the other transported fish.
The fish were then tracked out into the ocean using the Pacific Ocean Shelf
Tracking Array, with stations in Willapa Bay, Washington, across the Strait of
Juan de Fuca, and offshore of NW Vancouver Island.
These tracking stations provide the first and only ability directly to
measure near-ocean survival of juvenile salmon.
The results were simple and elegant. Of
the roughly 400 fish released up the Yakima River, about 80 were detected in
. Of the roughly 400 fish released
up the
, about 80 were detected in
. Since the
Snake River
fish had to migrate through four additional dams (and considerably farther
downstream), this result is yet another nail in the coffin of the hypothesis
that migration through four additional dams imposes significant incremental
mortality on juvenile migrants.
Of the roughly 200 fish transported
down the river in barges and released below Bonneville Dam, roughly 80 were
detected at
. This was double the detected
percentage of the river-migrating fish, and a few detections at the stations
north of
tend to show that the doubling benefits persisted.
At least when transportation benefits are taken into account—and not
destroyed by Judge Redden―one cannot rule out the hypothesis that the
Snake River dams provide survival advantages for Snake River stocks as compared
to migrating in an undammed river.
No study is perfect.
The ocean tracking stations were not particularly durable, so that a
consistent set of detectors was not maintained through the year (one detector in
Columbia River
was even snagged and removed by a sportsfisher).
Only the largest half of total fish population could hold tags, and populations
reached the detectors at different times. The
Snake River fish were also a different genetic stock than the
fish, an issue that confounds all upriver/downriver determinations from
different basins, but
fish have enjoyed strikingly higher adult returns recently, a fact dam
opponents have blamed on
Snake River
dam passage for the upstream stocks.
This study provides good evidence that whatever advantage the Yakima
fish have been enjoying, it isn’t something that has been happening in their
near-ocean life stage. Dam opponents
have speculated that the Snake River fish suffer delayed mortality from dam
passage (the “I was abused as a smolt” theory), but as Dr. Welch confirms
that this data (at least north to Vancouver Island) does not support the concept
of delayed mortality; he concludes that “poor Snake River survival occurs
somewhere later in the ocean life history and that differential effects of the
ocean have been confounded with the operation of the hydrosystem”.
My personal hypothesis remains that the
Snake River stocks migrate further west and are disproportionately picked off by
Far Eastern fishermen, who continue to run huge driftnets ostensibly targeted at
squid. Every once in a while when
the Coast Guard actually looks for illegal salmon harvest by Far Eastern interests,
they find boatloads of illegally caught salmon—and they don’t even look very
far out into the ocean. All over the
world, excessive ocean harvest is destroying fishable stocks, but here in the
Pacific Northwest, the fishermen continue to fund environmentalists to blame the
dams, and everyone believes them.
Unfortunately, scientific data has less and less relevance in decisionmaking
Columbia River
dam operations. The Regional
Administrator of the National Marine Fisheries Service declares both publicly
and privately that the river is now run by Judge Redden, and all that matters to
him is that NMFS reach agreements with the fish advocates Judge Redden
supports―even if the agencies have to kill fish to do it.
Hence yet another year of suboptimal transportation levels, coupled with millions
of dollars in bribes* promised to Native American Tribes (2.92 Mb Adobe
Acrobat file), all to avoid having fish advocates ask for even more idiotic
relief from Judge Redden. But at
least data such as Dr. Welch's will be there when and if we ever do decide to
make decisions based on data, rather than anti-technological superstition.
© James Buchal, January 22, 2007
*I use the word "bribes" to refer to promised
Federal funding for various Tribal programs that did not pass muster under
normal and lawful budget review processes, such as subsidizing Tribal law
enforcement and fostering populations of freshwater mussels and salmon

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and are encouraged to do so. The sooner people figure out what's going on, the
quicker we'll have more fish in the rivers.
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