James L. Buchal, Complex Civil Litigation
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Address: P.O. Box 86620, |
Telephone: 503-227-1011 |
Fax: 503-573-1939 |
I graduated from Harvard College in 1981 with a degree in physics, and from Yale Law School and Yale School of Management in 1985. With extensive integration of technology into my practice, I can provide large-firm service at much lower rates than large firms charge, while enjoying the benefits of rural living.
Areas of Experience:
Business Litigation, Including Intellectual Property
Environmental Litigation
Experience, Philosophy and Goals
I was trained in litigation for 5 years at Cravath, Swaine & Moore in
Since moving to
I also developed a sub-specialty in insurance coverage cases, participating in the leading environmental coverage case St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co. v. McCormick & Baxter Creosoting Co., 325 Or. 184 (1996) as well as coverage disputes such as Protection Mutual Ins. Co. v. Mitsubishi Silicon America Corporation, 163 Or. App. 385 (1999).
More recently, I prosecuted a class action lawsuit against Internet casinos, which settled.
Complex Environmental Litigation:
I moved to
Ultimately, I was moved to write a book about my
experiences, called The Great Salmon Hoax. An
address I gave to Northwest Catholic bishops in connection with their
forthcoming pastoral letter on the
In the course of assisting large aluminum companies
to obtain low-cost hydropower, I developed considerable expertise in
interpretation of the Northwest Power Act and other statutes governing the
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). Recent appellate briefs filed on their
behalf in the
The Northwest Power Planning Council has posted a legal memorandum I co-authored concerning the Bonneville Power Administration's authority to tax electric power purchasers through increases in transmission rates.
General Experience, Philosophy and Future Goals:
Much of my very recent experience has been litigating against federal, state and local government agencies, cases that frequently turn on arcane doctrines of administrative law. I am by nature a libertarian and particularly enjoy representing those who struggle against government bureaucrats abusing their discretion, even though the deck is stacked against them.
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight that counts, it's the size of the fight in the dog." Dwight D. Eisenhower
List of full-text legal briefs and memoranda
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